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Welcome to Boulay's One-Stop Shop!


We hope this is a convenient and easy way for you to see all Boulay's in-stock gear and purchase what you want. If an item is not shown, it is either not in stock or the Boulay store does not carry that item.

Placing your order:

​1.  Click “CHECKOUT”.

2.  On the next page, input your name. Address fields should be completed with Boulay's Minnesota address.*  Addresses must be inputted each time a purchase is made.

*See below for exceptions for out-of-state employees.

3.  Click "Pay Offline" in step 3 to submit your order.

Shipping or Pickup:

  • Orders will not be shipped to locations outside the Main office.*
    *See below for exceptions for out-of-state employees.

  • The items you purchase will be delivered to you or placed at the reception desk for pickup within one business day.

Billing and Payments:

  • There are no online payment transactions. Instead, any personal purchases you make online will automatically be deducted from your next paycheck.

  • If you have a marketing budget for clients, any client gifts you purchase will be deducted from your client marketing account. If you do not have a dedicated marketing budget, please go through the appropriate Partner when purchasing items for a client.

*For Boulay employees working outside of Minnesota:

 Fill out the address form for where you need your purchase to be shipped; Boulay will ship your purchases to you free of shipping charges. 

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